Your partnership makes our programs possible
“Because of folks like you, A Touch of Understanding (ATOU) has touched the lives of thousands of children and their families, over the past twenty-five years, throughout the Sacramento region.
Our award-winning program uses disability awareness, as the primary tool to teach children the critical life skills of empathy, inclusion and respect for those who are different from ourselves. Kids learn through hands-on, experiential learning during in-school workshops. This is accompanied by interactive volunteer speaker-panels. Through the use of these powerful tools, kids learn that we are all more alike than we are different. They learn to respect and honor the differences in others, as well as themselves. They learn how to listen with empathy. They are inspired by interacting with people who have overcome major challenges in their lives.
An investment in the community through ATOU is an investment in a child, but also in the lives of every person that they touch from that day forward. Your support can make a difference in the life of one child, or an entire classroom. No matter which you choose, the difference you make is just as vital. Thank you for being a critical part of this transformative program.”