An Evening of Insight (EOI) is not just about raising money, it’s about raising awareness. EOI is a unique event that brings people together to not only learn more about A Touch of Understanding and the impact we make on children’s lives every day, but to also experience, albeit briefly, what it would be like to live with a disability. We take our guests on a journey through an evening meal with friends as we explore what it might be like to “walk in someoneone else’s shoes.”
For over 28 years, ATOU has been helping children understand, appreciate and respect one another, despite differences. Our workshops help schoolchildren accept and include their peers with disabilities and those who seem different for any reason. These workshops improve the way students relate to themselves and others. One student said it best, “I get it now! I can be a buddy, not a bully!”
An Evening of Insight is just that…an evening full of insight where our guests get to shortly experience the life of someone else and realize ATOU’s mission of spreading the message of kindness, understanding and respect amongst our children and communities with our award-winning workshops.

Zac Bacon
EOI 2022 –
“Thank you again for hosting such an impactful event. This is one of my favorite fundraisers to attend each year. There is just something extra special about really being put in a position to experience what others go through on a daily basis. The ATOU team and the attendees really make this a fun and heartfelt event and I can’t wait to be involved next year! THANK YOU!”

Nathan Schlatter
EOI 2022 –
“Coming to ATOU EOI is a direct path to feeling inspired for the common good of our local youth. The stories shared, the enhanced perspectives, and the impact made is transcendent.”

Rachel Morrison
EOI 2022-
“The ATOU Evening of Insight 2022 Fundraiser was just that, an evening of insight, and was like nothing I have ever participated in before. I really had no idea what to expect. I was fortunate enough to attend the event with individuals that had previously attended (back in 2019). They were eager to return and spoke so highly of the event. I was intrigued.
The dining experience was more challenging than I had anticipated. I have a new appreciation for the simple things in life that I take for granted, like the amount of food that is on my fork, (is the bite too big? Is it an empty bite?). Being guided through the meal experience was incredibly helpful, and a welcomed bonus. On a side note, I found it comical that when the blindfolds went on, the noise level in the room went up. I guess it is true, when one of our senses is taken away, we have to compensate somehow.
The energy in the room was great, and lasted throughout the entire evening. The silent auction and live auction were so much fun. There were too many wonderful items to choose from, which made it hard to narrow down.
I have great admiration for what ATOU is doing in our schools and throughout our communities. I will gladly support a program that is making a difference in the lives of many. I look forward to participating in future events. Thank you ATOU!”