Thank you for Making The Evening of Insight 2024 Fundraising Event a HUGE Success!

Our Evening of Insight 2024 fundraising event was a HUGE Success!!! What an amazing, fun and insightful evening we had, and we can’t wait for the 7th Annual EOI 2025 event. We want to say thank you to YOU…our Sponsors, Donors, Guests, Board Members, Speakers, Hosts, Volunteers and Staff Team members for making this event our best fundraiser yet! We are abundantly grateful for your support and your generosity, which will enable us to further our programs’ mission and message within our schools and communities.

ATOU’s Evening of Insight 2024 fundraising event was hosted by Meghan Adamski, ATOU Executive Director, and Freddie Silveria, emcee and auctioneer with FSA Auctions.
Visit Freddie at and @FSAauctions on Facebook to learn more about his expertise and how he might help your organization.


Cheryl Marcell

Cheryl Marcell

Stand Up Placer
EOI 2024 –
“This was my first Evening of Insights event, and I can’t tell you how impressed I was with the entire event.  Not only was it impeccably organized, but the impact stories that were shared were heartwarming!  I was especially surprised by the demonstration of how someone who has autism hears the world and how difficult that is for them.  I have two friends with autistic children, and I understand them so much more now after spending the evening with A Touch of Understanding.  Thank you for making such a positive contribution in our community.”
Rick and Mary Wurster

Rick and Mary Wurster

ATOU Supporters & EOI Committee Volunteers
EOI 2024 –
“My wife and I have attended the Evening of Insight for several years, and we keep coming back because it just gets better and better. The inspiration provided by the speakers, always reminds us about the important things in life. Truly motivational! And I have to say each year we are also impressed by the creative ways the staff invents to make the guests experience an example of what these children deal with on a daily basis. No other fundraiser compares. It is an interactive event full of compassion and lots of fun!”
Jeff Holden

Jeff Holden

The Non Profit Podcast Network
EOI 2024 –
“What a night to remember! My inaugural experience at the ATOU “Evening of Insights” went way beyond impressive. From the moment I witnessed cakes fetching hundreds of dollars in spirited auctions, (I concur with chocolate winning the bidding!) I knew it was going to be an extraordinary evening of fundraising. What more could one expect from the charismatic efforts of Freddie Silviera, an auctioneer known for captivating the crowd? The wonderful cuisine elevated the entire experience. It’s always a plus when the caliber of dining goes way beyond the expectation.
Yet, it wasn’t just the sumptuous treats or the magnetic energy of the attendees that left an indelible mark on me; it was the poignant stories shared from the stage and the unexpected connections made that evening. Reconnecting with past acquaintances, stumbling upon newfound supporters and engaging in meaningful conversations with like-minded individuals underscored the profound impact of the event.
What truly set this evening apart, however, was the thought-provoking table activity that challenged us to experience firsthand the struggles of dyslexia. This immersive encounter didn’t just stay confined to the event; it followed me home, sparking numerous conversations and countless introductions to the remarkable work of ATOU.
My heartfelt congratulations to Megan, Roxanne and the entire ATOU team, volunteers and participants for orchestrating an event that transcends mere fundraising. You provided a journey of enlightenment and empathy. “Insights” indeed lives up to its name. Thank you for your tireless dedication and for illuminating the path towards inclusivity and understanding at so many levels.”
Robert Nash

Robert Nash

ATOU BOD & RV Rotary
EOI 2024 –
“I have been volunteering at the A Touch of Understanding (ATOU) Workshops for almost two years now, and recently joined the Board of Governors, but this is the first time I was able to attend the Evening of Insight. What a great event! I invited several guests to attend, and they not only had a good time, but they were moved by the evening’s message. The Emcee did a great job engaging the attendees and building the momentum throughout the evening. Finally, Mia and her mom were amazing: they showed that hard work and dedication can overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable. And, they brought home the central message: small accomplishments and understanding lead to large successes and tolerance. To me, that is what ATOU is all about. Thank you for the contribution that ATOU makes to the community, and for allowing me to be a part of it.”
Darlene Cullivan

Darlene Cullivan

The Gathering Inn
EOI 2023 –
“When one is invited to gain insight, increase understanding and broaden one’s perspective, growth occurs – at any age!  That’s what makes ATOU’s Evening of Insight so uniquely special. I was honored to participate and join such a tremendous organization’s efforts to educate and inspire. A Touch of Understanding strengthens communities as it provides youth, and all of us really, with the ability to welcome people of all abilities, remove blindfolds, and see with new eyes!”
Drisha Leggitt

Drisha Leggitt

Drisha Leggitt & Company Communications
EOI 2023 –
“Thanks and “way to go!” to Roxanne Snyder and the entire A Touch of Understanding staff and volunteers for hosting a fun and illuminating fundraiser: “An Evening of Insight!” (EOI)
The EOI event was not just about raising money; it was also about raising first person awareness of experiencing a disability. In our case, the guests donned blindfolds to explore what it might be like to eat a meal without sight.
Hint: It wasn’t easy!!
The magnificent Darlene O’Brien, ATOU inspirational speaker and long-time ATOU Board member, successfully guided us through the meal while sharing her own experiences of life with blindness.
The meal was outstanding; although, I confess I ended up eating most of it with my fingers!
Then, the ever amazing Freddie Silveria helped ATOU raise a ton of money through his enthusiastic auctioning skills – Mark Luhdorff and I were happy and proud to support the event and ATOU’s important mission.
ATOU has been helping children understand, appreciate and respect one another, despite differences for over 25 years. A Touch of Understanding provides disability awareness programs designed to educate a new generation to understand and empathize with the challenges associated with disabilities; and to accept and respect all individuals.
Thanks again, Winnie Comstock-Carlson for inviting us to join the Comstock’s magazine table; and way to go, ATOU team for executing an outstanding event that made us love and respect the organization even more!”