Frequently Asked Questions
What is the impact of this experience?
Participants gain insight into the skills someone who is blind or visually impaired uses to navigate a restaurant and eat a meal. They have the opportunity to have conversations with others while under blindfold, which is a window into the experience of another human being as they interact socially. Participants gain new appreciation and respect for the skills and abilities of individuals with vision challenges. As unusual as it seems, the most common comment from participants following their participation in the Dark Meal is, “This was very eye-opening.”
Also, in allowing themselves to be vulnerable under blindfold, participants tend to open up to one another in ways they do not in other situations.
Do participants ever feel uncomfortable putting blindfolds on for this experience?
We have had participants who were uneasy at first, but our team is very casual and encouraging. As facilitator, Darlene says, “Relax into it,” and participants do just that. When they realize that everyone involved is going to be experiencing the same thing, it becomes a bonding experience they talk about long afterwards.
Olive Ranch School
5280 Stirling Street, Suite 102
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Contact Us
Phone: 916.791.4146
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
EIN Tax ID #68-0389777